After a car accident occurs that is not your fault, it is critical that you take specific action to protect your rights and receive compensation for your losses. Washington is an at-fault state. That means if another person causes injury or property loss to you, that person is responsible for paying for those losses. Yet, the process of that occurring is not always as easy as it sounds. If you are in a not at fault accident in Tacoma, Washington, you need to know what your rights are.
At The Law Office of Blake Kremer, our goal is to help ensure you have every opportunity to obtain the compensation owed to you. To do that, we encourage you to follow a few specific steps.
How to Handle an Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?
After a not at fault accident, there are several things you should do and should not do.
Ensure you are safe
Call 911 and get the medical care you need as a first step. Be sure you are out of danger before doing anything else. Even if you feel okay, go to the emergency room for a checkup. This will help you later prove your injuries occurred as a result of the accident.
Gather contact information
Exchange contact information with the other party. Be polite. Be sure that, if they need medical care, you call for help.
During your conversation with them, try to understand what occurred. The goal here is to find out if they were not paying attention.
Gather details about the incident
Consider the following details that could help you later:
- Were they talking on their phone?
- Did they seem to swerve because they were tired?
- Do you notice any scent of alcohol on them?
Any details you can remember from the incident could be valuable later. Be sure to gather those details when possible and write them down. Let the police question the other driver.
Never claim responsibility. Do not say, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” That could be used against you later.
File a police report
In the State of Washington, it is legally required that you file a police report if there is over $500 worth of damages to your vehicle. We recommend filing a police report in every situation. It helps to preserve the details of the case and could help in proving it was a not at fault car accident for you.
Contact your attorney
In a not at fault accident, you may have to prove that you were not at fault. To do that, you need the legal support of an attorney. The Law Office of Blake Kremer can help you. We have years of experience providing specific help to those involved in a car accident. We can provide you with the support you need now.
How Do You Prove It Was a Not At Fault Accident?
Most often, you need to show that the other driver’s actions or inactions led to the accident. Often, the police officer responding to the accident will gather details and try to make an estimate of fault. If you know it was not you and it was the other driver, we highly encourage you to provide only accurate information to the police.
Our team will then work to gather evidence in your case. This could be:
- Witness statements
- Photos from the scene, if you have them
- Local video footage
- Expert witness statements
- Accident recreation
We listen carefully to you and provide legal advice. It is always important to have an attorney that is willing to fight hard to protect your rights to compensation. You can depend on our team at The Law Office of Blake Kremer to do that.
What Happens if the Person Not At Fault in an Accident Has No Insurance?
If you are injured in an accident, we highly encourage you to seek out medical care and file a police report as the first steps. Then, contact The Law Office of Blake Kremer. If you have the contact information for the party responsible for your losses, we will pursue financial compensation for your losses from that party.
If you do not know who the other driver is, perhaps due to a hit and run, you may be able to use your own insurance to cover losses. If you do not have insurance, such as uninsured or underinsured coverage, we can still help you to navigate this situation. Don’t wait to give us a call.
How An Attorney in Tacoma, Washington Can Help You
As a third-generation attorney, you can depend on Attorney Kremer to help you through this difficult situation. Blake Kremer is professional, caring, and dedicated to helping you. Blake will pursue legal action against those responsible. That is because he believes it is your right to do so.
To get started, contact Blake Kremer. He is happy to provide you with a remote consultation to discuss your case. The Tacoma, Washington office is always available to you. Attorney Blake Kremer serves clients throughout the Pacific Northwest and Western Washington. Contact him now to discuss your case.
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